Night Zookeeper partners with children’s home and refugee NPO

Night Zookeeper partners with children’s home and refugee NPO thumbnail
YouMeWe Classroom

We are pleased to report a partnership with the Japanese NPO, YouMeWE.

Thanks to this fantastic organisation, Night Zookeeper is now being used by children’s homes in Japan, charity schools in the Philippines, and by children from Syria, in refugees camps.

YouMeWe is an NPO based in Japan and focused primarily on the plight of over 30,000 children living in orphanages and children’s homes. Night Zookeeper has provided YouMeWe with free access to Night Zookeeper for the children that they work with in their homes across the country. We have also trained volunteers on the use of the website. We did this because we are keen to ensure that the children don’t experience a ‘digital divide’ and fall behind others because of a lack of access to digital educational resources like Night Zookeeper.

The future will be shaped by technology and therefore access to the Internet, is vital for all children. Having the opportunity to connect, learn and play with technical tools will ensure they are prepared for their future. It will open up the job market and enrich them as human beings.

YouMeWe Classroom 2

Night Zookeeper’s Lesson Hive, shares lessons created by teachers from around the world from the United States to New Zealand. The lessons created by these trained teachers can then be used by volunteers working with children in need across the world.

I want to personally thank every teacher that has created a lesson for Lesson Hive. They are being put to exceptional use!

Thanks again to everyone who supports, uses and subscribes to Night Zookeeper for their class, school or home. You are helping the world become a more creative place and spreading the light of learning into some of the most disadvantaged children in the word.

To read more about YouMeWe, please check their website:

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