Night Zookeeper Series – Be the Creator!

Night Zookeeper Series – Be the Creator! thumbnail

Do your students love Night Zookeeper? Are you looking for new opportunities to stretch their creativity? Would your students love to be part of a hit SKY animated TV show? If so, then we’ve got an amazing opportunity for you this year!

We’re in the process of creating a new animated Night Zookeeper series alongside Sky Kids and we want your students to be a part of it! The video below shows you an example of how students can have their ideas featured in the new Night Zookeeper animated show so far:

Electro Fly comes alive!

You can sign up on today and get started with your students. There are hundreds of challenges on the website for your kids to take part in and they can even do these from home with their parents!

Be the Creator night zookeeper characters

Take part in a free workshop!

In 2019, we’re offering students in the UK the opportunity to take part in a series of workshops that will see them plan, design, and create key elements of this brand new show.

The workshops, delivered by our experienced educators, will ask children to write their own thrilling storylines; design settings and characters, and even try out their performance skills by creating dialogue for the series. The very best ideas will be featured in the final show.

Haven't subscribed to Night Zookeeper yet? Introduce our reading & writing program into your classroom today!

Got any questions? Email us at [email protected]. Follow us on social media:

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