6 Super Spelling Games For Kids

6 Super Spelling Games For Kids thumbnail

Teaching young learners how to spell can be challenging, but it’s a skill they’ll need in order to succeed academically and professionally. Finding fun ways to ease your child’s learning process can be a game-changer, especially if they’re a reluctant learner.

Here are some fantastically fun spelling games that you can try with your child:

Spelling Safari

Let's kick off with an educational game we like to call the "Spelling Safari." This fantastically fun spelling game is great for all grade levels, as you can ask them to stick to a specific word theme or length, so whether your child is in first grade or an experienced speller, they’ll enjoy this game!

How to play

Grab some colorful flashcards and write each letter of the alphabet on them until you have them all. Then hide the flashcards or scatter them around like you would set up a scavenger hunt. Your child must find all the flashcards and gather them with the aim of spelling words they already know, have learned recently, or are currently learning at school. They get a point for every word they spell correctly.

Board Game Bonanza

Who said spelling can't be fun for the whole family? Dust off those old board games with a wordy twist. Classics like Scrabble and Boggle are great games to practice spelling skills.

How to play

You can make these games as competitive as you’d like, turning each round into a spelling battle, or have older members of your family teach the children new words and vocabulary - it’s a win-win for everyone!


Hangman isn’t just a classic word-guessing game; it’s also a great tool to boost your child’s spelling skills! It’s a fun way to reinforce children's letter recognition, develop vocabulary, and even learn new words, keeping them engaged as they learn!

How to play

In this game, one person thinks of a word and draws blank spaces in place of each letter. The other players then take turns guessing letters one by one. If their guesses are right, letters will replace the blank spaces, and if they guess wrong, a part of the “hangman” is drawn. The game ends when the word is revealed, or when the “hangman” has been fully drawn.

Sight Word Secret Mission

This game adds an adventurous twist to sight word practice, making each of them memorable and easier to identify!

How to play

Transform sight word learning into a secret mission with this exciting word search game! Create a list of words and write each of them down on individual pieces of paper, hiding them around your home or yard. Give your child a flashlight and the secret mission to find and spell each word they discover out loud.

Phonics Puzzle Party

Phonics Puzzle Party is a great spelling activity for younger learners to become familiar with letter sounds, but it can also be played by older spellers as they grow their vocabulary and English language knowledge (such as learning about onomatopoeias).

How to play

To play this game, create 2 sets of puzzle pieces, where one set shows specific letters, and the other specific phonemes. As your young learner puts the puzzle pieces together to form different words, they’ll reinforce their knowledge of phonics in a super creative and fun way!

Night Zookeeper

Night Zookeeper logo, displayed on tablet screen.

If you’re on the hunt for fantastically fun online spelling games for your child, we’ve got you covered!

Our reading & writing program for kids is the perfect learning resource whether you homeschool, teach, or are on the hunt for a fun way to improve your child’s English skills.

There are thousands of learning activities available on our program, including interactive lessons, word games, spelling challenges, and printable worksheets for on-the-go learning!

Sign up today to get a FREE 7-day trial!

Got any questions? Reach out to us via email at [email protected], or visit our social media pages:

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