World Creative Writing Month 2023: 5 Million Word Quest!

World Creative Writing Month 2023: 5 Million Word Quest! thumbnail

World Creative Writing Month is here for 2023! This year we are celebrating with an amazing challenge - the 5 Million Word Quest!

The 5 Million Word Quest is a challenge to all Night Zookeeper users - to join forces and collectively publish five million words on our program in the month of March. We can’t wait to read even more sensational stories, punchy poems and rip-roaring reports from children across the world this month!

To participate, simply get your child to log in to their Night Zookeeper account in March and start writing!

(Psst...If you need a Night Zookeeper account, sign up for our program).

Instructions will be outlined in the program, but here’s a quick summary:

  • Every word published on in March 2023 will count towards the five million target
  • Each age group setting has a specific word count goal, giving your child a personal goal to hit whilst they help the whole community reach the five million target. These are:
  • If your child meets their goal, they will receive a special World Creative Writing Month 2023 award in the program, and a certificate at the end of the month

There will be a “Words Published” counter present on the program throughout the month so everyone can keep track of our progress on the Quest!

If we all work together and hit the target before the end of 31st March 2023, Team Night Zookeeper will release special prizes across the program!

What is World Creative Writing Month?

World Creative Writing Month is the time of year where we get to celebrate what we love the most - children’s creativity! We love encouraging children to use their imaginations to create new worlds, curious creatures, and magical storylines.

This wonderful celebration of creativity dates back to when we started sharing our passion for reading and writing with teachers and students in classrooms around the world. We found that hosting an international month-long celebration of creative writing gave students even more motivation to write and be creative. World Creative Writing Month has become bigger and bigger as the years have passed, now reaching thousands of families worldwide through our online community.

After the success of last year’s celebration, we can’t wait to see World Creative Writing Month 2023 get started, and we hope you join us in our quest to publish a mega 5 MILLION words in March!

What to expect this year?

Expect our biggest World Creative Writing Month celebration EVER with the 5 Million Word Quest! We have lots of fun activities, resources, competitions, and prizes planned to keep children, parents, teachers, and educators excited, inspired, and motivated. You can stay up to date on all the fun via our social media channels.

5 Million Word Quest rosette

How does it work?

Any child can participate in World Creative Writing Month - all they need is their login details, and their wonderful imaginations! If you don’t have a account, sign up for our program today.

This year’s challenge, the 5 Million Word Quest, encourages all our users (and new ones!) to join forces and collectively publish five million words on our program in the month of March.

To help us reach that target, we’ve set age-appropriate word targets to make this quest challenging, exciting, but achievable for everyone who takes part.

Once your child has reached the target set for their age group, they’ll receive a brand new in-program award, and an exclusive World Creative Writing Month certificate that you can print and proudly display at home!

Any writing published on the program in March will be added to our live in-program word counter so that everyone can keep a close eye on the prize.

In-program word count for the Five Million Word Quest

The Five Million Word Quest will be running from March 1st to March 31st 2023.

What if I don’t have a account?

You can sign up to our writing program any time during the month of March to take part in the 5 Million Word Quest and celebrate World Creative Writing Month with us! You can even benefit from a 7 day free trial.


As we embark on this epic creative journey, we can’t wait to see millions of children working together to complete the 5 Million Word Quest! What adventures will your child experience? Perhaps they’ll explore the bottom of the ocean? Or maybe find a new planet? From their very first draft to the final version of their stories, we’ll be there to help them along the way.

Is your child struggling for inspiration? Get their imagination firing with these creative writing prompts for kids.

Send us updates on your progress and accomplishments during World Creative Writing Month by tagging us (@NightZookeeper) in your Instagram and Facebook stories, reels, and TikToks (@nightzookeeperofficial), including the hashtags #WCWM2023, #5MillionWordQuest, and #WorldCreativeWritingMonth.


31/3/2023 Update:

Completed 5 Million word quest

As March comes to an end, so does this year’s celebration of World Creative Writing Month. Congratulations to all of our young writers who helped complete the 5 Million Word Quest! We are so inspired by all of the hard work and amazing writing published by thousands of children on!

The end of World Creative Writing Month doesn’t mean the end of your child’s writing journey. Keep your child’s love for writing going year-round with our fantastically fun writing program for kids!

Got any questions? Email us at [email protected]. Follow our social media channels:

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