Halloween Writing Prompts for Kids

Halloween Writing Prompts for Kids thumbnail

Halloween is coming, and what better way to scare off the ghosts and creepy crawlies than to show off fangtastic creative writing skills?

Our Halloween writing prompts will inspire your child to write spooktacular poems, recipes, short stories, and much more:

  1. Write an acrostic poem with the word SPOOKY. The first line will start with a word that begins with S. The second will start with a word that begins with P, next O and so on. Keep writing these lines until you spell SPOOKY.
  2. Write a spooky recipe for a witch’s brew!
  3. You’re throwing a Halloween party! Write a list of Halloween-themed supplies you may need.
  4. Do you like reading scary books or watching scary movies? Why or why not?
  5. In your opinion, what’s the best Halloween treat? Why is it your favorite?
  6. Are you dressing up in a Halloween costume this year? If so, what character are you dressing up as, and why?
  7. Your family takes you to a corn maze to celebrate Halloween and you get lost! Write a story about how you manage to find your way out.
  8. A group of giant goblins are trying to break into your house! What happens next?
  9. If you could dress up as any Night Zookeeper character, who would you pick and why?
  10. What’s your favorite Halloween night activity? Do you usually go trick-or-treating or stay in and enjoy a scary film with your family? 🍿
  11. Draw a picture of your perfect haunted house! Then write a paragraph describing it.
  12. Write a spooky poem, all about Halloween! Make sure to use the word “haunted”.
  13. Do you like to go trick-or-treating? Do you go with your friends, family, or both? Describe your yearly trick-or-treating routine.
  14. Imagine the jack-o-lantern you just carved started speaking! What does it say?
  15. Write a spooky story about a black cat that has been created by a mad scientist to defeat their scariest creation - Frankenstein!
  16. Imagine that you met a friendly ghost. Write what this ghost’s name is, what they look like and why they are friendly!
  17. Write a Halloween story mentioning as many common Halloween costumes as you can.
  18. Journal prompt: Imagine you're a friendly ghost for a day! Describe this ghostly day in your journal.
  19. Story starter: As I watched the huge spaceship land in my backyard, I knew I was in for an out-of-this-world adventure!
  20. Write a scary story about a magical broomstick that can fly on its own.
Night Zookeeper characters wearing Halloween costumes.

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Night Zookeeper logo, displayed on tablet screen.

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