October Writing Prompts For Kids

October Writing Prompts For Kids thumbnail

October is the first full month of a brand new season, and as usual, we have lots to write about as we celebrate World Smile Day, World Animal Day, World Teachers’ Day, and Halloween!

If you’re on the hunt for some fantastically fun creative writing prompts, you’ve come to the right place!

  1. It’s World Smile Day (1st Friday of October): what is something that makes you smile?
  2. What is your favorite thing to do in October? Is it an outdoor activity, or a cosy movie day? Tell us all about it!
  3. Now that the school year is in full swing, what is something you’re looking forward to learning in the month of October?
  4. October 4th is World Animal Day! Write a short story about finding a new animal species: how did you find this animal? What does it look like? What is its personality like?
  5. Happy World Teachers’ Day (October 5th)! Write a funny story about your favorite teacher.
  6. You find a scarecrow at your local pumpkin patch and notice it’s moving! Write a short story about an adventure you go on together.
  7. Invent a food that makes anyone who eats it become super strong! It can be a vegetable, a fruit, or a full meal.
  8. Write a story about a sea turtle meeting a penguin while on an adventure to find hidden treasure.
  9. Columbus Day is an American holiday that commemorates the arrival of explorer Christopher Columbus in 1492. Imagine you’re an explorer who’s just discovered a new land - where is it? Can you describe it detail?
  10. What if there was a magical necklace that could give you any superpower you wanted? First, draw the necklace and then describe it and what powers it has.
  11. What’s your favorite candy? Candy corn? Skittles? Why is it your favorite?
  12. Start an October journal - write about the best part of your day, every day!
  13. An odd-looking spaceship has landed on Earth, and you’re called to solve this mystery. What’s inside the spaceship? What happens when you step into it? Do you find out where it came from and why it landed on our planet?
  14. While walking to school you find a kitten whose family cannot be found. What do you do? Tell us a story of how you would help this kitten.
  15. Daily writing prompt: My favorite part of the day was... because...

Halloween Writing Prompts

  1. You’re trick-or-treating with your friends when you notice a spooky-looking house at the end of the road. What happens when you approach the house? Is anyone in there? Do you knock on the door?
  2. You enter a jack-o-lantern carving competition. What does yours look like? Can you draw it and then describe it in writing?
  3. Have you ever visited a haunted house? What did it look like? How did you feel?
  4. What are you dressing up as this Halloween?
  5. Story starter: “You won’t believe what happened when I went trick-or-treating!”

More Halloween Writing Prompts!

Children trick or treating.

Autumn/Fall Writing Prompts

  1. What makes it feel like it is truly Autumn? Is it the changing leaves? The colder weather?
  2. What is your favorite thing about the fall season and why?
  3. Story starter: You have a tree outside your house and every Autumn the leaves always turn yellow. But this year the leaves have turned purple! Write a story about investigating why the tree is now purple.
  4. What is your favorite Autumn tradition?
  5. Write a poem all about Autumn using each of your five senses (smell, taste, touch, sight, and hearing).

More Autumn/Fall Writing Prompts!

Family roasting marshmallows by the campfire.

Spring Writing Prompts

  1. What makes Spring so beautiful and different from the other seasons? Write a persuasive article letting us know what the best things about Spring are.
  2. In the Spring, lots of baby animals are born. In your opinion, what is the cutest baby animal that you would like to have as a pet?
  3. Not too long until summer comes! What are three things you want to achieve before the new season starts?
  4. Write a poem about a bird who has come back after flying north for the winter.
  5. Many people like to start planting gardens and flowers in the Spring. Does your family plant flowers or keep a garden?

More Spring Writing Prompts!

More creative writing prompts

Make writing fun with Night Zookeeper

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If you’re looking for more writing activities, prompts, and games to keep your child entertained and learning, give Night Zookeeper a try!

Our fantastically fun writing program for kids improves children’s writing skills by turning learning into a game. It features thousands of activities, from interactive lessons, to word games, to interactive creative writing prompts - it’s the perfect way to get your child to practice writing!

Whether you’re homeschooling or looking for an educational activity, Night Zookeeper will keep your child engaged and entertained as they learn all the reading and writing skills they need.

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