Wonderful Winter Writing Prompts for Kids

Wonderful Winter Writing Prompts for Kids thumbnail

It feels like winter is officially here, and there's no better way to celebrate the start of a new season than with some creative writing fun!

Here are some winter-themed writing prompts to get your child inspired and excited about this new season:

  1. Write instructions on how to build a snowman. Remember some children have never seen snow before!
  2. Do you remember the first time you saw snow? Write a poem about it.
  3. Write a story about a snowflake that loves summer.
  4. Polar bears are super strong swimmers! What’s something you’re really good at?
  5. Is winter your favourite season? Write a persuasive essay about why, or why not.
  6. Write a letter to your best friend about a fun winter activity you can do together.
  7. Can you write an animal report about a magical animal that lives in Igloo City?
  8. What’s your favorite winter sport? Why is it your favorite?
  9. What is something you like to do during winter break? Is it an outdoor activity or something you do at home?
  10. Let’s build a gingerbread house! What ingredients do you need?
  11. Short story starter: It was a cold, snowy day outside. When I looked outside my bedroom window, I saw something that surprised me...
  12. On a cold winter’s day would you rather stay inside, or go outside to play?
  13. What are your favorite winter activities? Make a list of them.
  14. Do you associate certain foods with winter? Can you write a special winter menu?
  15. What’s your favorite thing about winter?
  16. Write an adventure story about travelling to the north pole.
  17. Name 5 things you can do during the winter months.
  18. You and your friends want to have a snowball fight, but there are no good places to hide. Write a step-by-step guide on how to build a snow fort.
  19. Write a diary entry about your favorite winter memory.
  20. Can you write instructions on how to make hot chocolate?
  21. Journal prompt: Now that the cold weather is finally here, I’m excited to...
  22. Can you write a poem about ice skating?
  23. What’s your favourite Winter Olympics sport? Why?
  24. Do you have a favourite winter holiday? Write a story about it.
  25. Write an acrostic poem using the words: snow angel.
  26. What sounds and noises do you associate with winter? Is it the crunch of snow under your snow boot, or the crackle of a fire? Write freely about everything that comes to mind.
  27. When you think of winter, what images come to mind? Can you describe the scenery? What happens to nature?
  28. What does winter smell like? What scents come to mind? Write a descriptive poem about the smells of wintertime.
  29. On an unexpected snow day, you and your friends discover a hidden treasure in your backyard snow fort, and it leads you on an exciting winter quest.
  30. Many holidays are celebrated during the winter. Can you write a newspaper article all about a new winter holiday that’s being celebrated this year? Don’t forget to include a quote from a magical animal that celebrates this holiday!
  31. Does your family have any new year traditions? If so, what are they and what do they mean?
  32. Can you write a play about a snowman that loses his carrot nose to a group of reindeer?
  33. In some places, people build homes out of snow and ice. Can you design your own ice home? Write an explanation describing what each part is and how it will be built.
  34. In the northern hemisphere, Christmas is celebrated during winter. What is your favorite Christmas family tradition?
  35. You’re trying to teach one of your friends how to ice skate, but the two of you find something magical frozen in the ice instead! Write an adventure story about what happens.
  36. There are many wonderful foods that people like to make in the wintertime. Write step-by-step instructions about how to make a delicious winter recipe!
  37. In wintertime, many holidays encourage people to give a gift to someone else. If you could give any present to one of your friends, what would you give them? Why?
  38. When the weather gets frosty, there’s nothing better than crawling into a comfy sweater! Draw the world’s greatest wintertime sweater and write instructions on how to make it.

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