Holiday Writing Prompts for Kids

Holiday Writing Prompts for Kids thumbnail

The holiday season is a magical time of year where people have many reasons to come together and celebrate. Whether your holiday traditions are to wrap up warm and play in the snow, or have a summer barbecue, these creative writing prompts will make your child eager to write, even during such an exciting time of the year!

Here are our best holiday writing prompts:

  1. What’s your favorite winter holiday? Why?
  2. Hot chocolate is a tasty drink! ☕️ Do you love having hot chocolate during the colder months?
  3. How do you celebrate Christmas? Do you and your family have any special traditions or fun Christmas activities you like to do?
  4. Do you have any traditions in your family during the winter holidays?
  5. Would you rather spend Christmas surrounded by snow or at the beach? Why?
  6. Gift Giving! 🎁 Winter Holidays in December often mean that presents are shared with friends and family. Saying something nice about another person could be considered a form of present! Can you write something nice about a family member or friend?
  7. What’s your favorite holiday movie? 🎥 Can you explain what it is and why it’s your favorite?
  8. Do you eat anything special during the holidays? What’s your favorite thing to eat? What’s something unique that you might have during the holidays?
  9. Sometimes, with the start of a new year, people make New Year’s Resolutions. A New Year's Resolution is a promise to do something differently in the new year. Tell us about your New Year's Resolution and explain why you want to achieve this.
  10. Have you ever built a gingerbread house? If so, how was your experience? Can you draw the gingerbread house you built?
  11. If you could invent your own holiday, what would it be called and what would you celebrate? Write a diary entry about this.
  12. You’re throwing a holiday party for you and your friends and you have to dress up as your favorite holiday. What are you dressing up as? Christmas? Halloween? Valentine’s Day? Tell us all about it!
  13. Can you write instructions on how to build the perfect snowman? ☃️
  14. When it's cold out, what's your favorite item of clothing to wear? Is it a hat? Perhaps a scarf? Why do you love this item?
  15. Write a story about a group of Santa’s elves who want to be Halloween elves instead.
  16. Write an acrostic poem with the word SNOW. An acrostic poem is a poem where certain letters in each line spell out a word or phrase. The first line will start with a word that begins with S. The second will start with a word that begins with N. Keep writing these lines until you spell SNOW.
  17. Describe what it would be like to have a penguin as a pet! 🐧
  18. Write an adventure story about a magical sleigh that allows you to teleport!
  19. What’s your favorite thing to do on Christmas Day?
  20. Imagine you are a snowflake ❄️ falling gently from the sky. Write a poem about this.
  21. Do you think it's more fun to give or receive gifts? Why?
  22. Write a short story about a gingerbread man who came to life! What's his name? What adventures does he go on?
  23. Imagine that you meet a reindeer with a glowing red nose! Where do you think this reindeer is headed?
  24. What if Santa Claus’ costume was yellow? Do you think it would have a big impact on Christmas as a whole?
  25. Letter writing time! 💌 Write a thank you note to a family member who has given you a present.
  26. Write a list of fun ideas for activities to do with your friends this holiday season.
  27. Journal prompt: This December, I am thankful because...
  28. Think about last December. How was your life different then? How is it the same?
  29. Pretend you are one of Santa's elves! 🎅 What presents would you be in charge of making?
  30. What's your favorite holiday treat? 🍪 Can you write a recipe explaining how to make it?
  31. Imagine a magical Christmas tree that grows a different surprise ornament every day – write a story about the best ornament, and complete it with a drawing of this ornament.
  32. Journal writing prompt: This holiday season, I’m excited to...
  33. What is your favorite Christmas movie? Write a report on it.
  34. What is the best Christmas gift you’ve ever given to a family member or friend?
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